Together we are a community of believers. What does that mean, the word community? We believe that together in fellowship we grow closer to God and one another. The bible speaks about iron sharpening iron. We believe that together we grow stronger. We are a community of believers. 


We strive to be a church without walls. Jesus calls for us to go outside the walls to reach the lost and the broken. It is there that the lost will be found. Most churches find it is comfortable to stay within the walls, but we make it an effort to be like the church from the book of Acts, to see our city changed.


We highly value our relationships with one another. We look to grow through fellowship, and ultimately growing closer to God. We value the word of God, and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We look to extend grace to all of the lost and broken, and lead those with no hope to the hope of Jesus Christ.



  1. The church began meeting in the old Bedford Library on Sunday, May 27, 1956.

  2. The present church site was purchased in September 1956 and included the parsonage which was used for the sanctuary and Sunday School.

  3. A Dedication Service program from October 1956 listed 41 charter members.

  4. To serve the growing church, the building of a small chapel (now known as the Connections Building) began in October 1957,  

  5. The groundbreaking of the present sanctuary took place in March 1962, and the first service there was held in December 1962.


Kevin Cunningham

Lead Pastor

Pastor Kevin's life motto is to "Encourage and Equip as God Gives Opportunity."  His call to serve God has led him to serve in Christian radio, church planting in Milan, Italy, and pastoral ministry in Connecticut, Indiana, New Hampshire, and Mass.   Kevin and his Alesa have been married since 1987 and have three adult children, one son-in-law, and the cutest grandson ever.


Family Ministry Director

We are currently seeking a Family Ministry Director to build, implement, and lead a Family Ministry program to reach and disciple children, youth, and families in our community with the Gospel. 


The position is part-time up to 16 hours a week with a salary of up to 16,000 per year.


For more information and to apply please visit the Family Ministry Director page.